Friday, June 18, 2010

INVESTMENT Bike - Exposing the Myths About Winning STOCK Strategy. A. Damodaran.

Stocks with high dividends: are they really better and safer than bonds or not? Cheap stocks: cheap for a reason? Do I need to invest in quality? In the pulse of the market movement? Or what else? You've heard about these "no regrets" sgrategiyah. They all promise the road to profits bet any risk but is it really? In addition, there is opportunity to combine the best elements of different investment strategies, increasing profitability and reducing risk. In this book, one of the best researchers in the field of investment Asvat Damodaran explains how to do it. It provides an objective analysis of 13 most popular investment Basque and attitudes. Do not trust the stock exchange bike: Your guide should be a sober and unbiased analysis.

As an investor, you've probably heard more than once from brokers, friends and analytics on the actions that they believe should be in the near future to bring breathtaking gains. When enthusiast arguments about the health policies under which such inferences are made, not only clearly and reasonably sound, but also supported by the evidence, in some cases - anecdotal, others - statistics. However, when you are trying to apply these strategies to your own investments, you rarely can get the corresponding positive result. This happens too often, increasing your losses and leads you to repentance, and his pledges never to act under the influence of other people's advice. But just as often you will quickly forget the bitter lessons received and repeats all the same mistake, becoming easy prey for the next exciting tales about a win-win strategy in the stock market.

Currently, there are hundreds of schemes to win the market, and they all pa dozen basic ideas, describing the situation in which to buy or sell shares. These age-old ideas are modified over time, get new names and are exposed to be devoured by a new generation of investors has a completely new. To draw attention to selling the public and make her strong belief in its accuracy in these stock stories have to be something that appeals to basic instincts of a troika of the investor and his human failings - greed, fear and arrogance. This book is a study of such stories, their appeal and why so many investors who led on stock bikes, suffer losses. We also make an attempt to understand how each of these stories, you can use to their advantage.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jack Schwager - Technical Analysis. Full course

The movement of market prices has a similar nature with many physical processes, whether they walk the meteorite in the asteroid belt or the movement of plasma particles in magnetic fields. Schedule of stochastic variations in the magnetic moment of the ion has caused the liveliest interest a trading environment. Experienced traders can easily find it a double top, head to the shoulders, converging triangles and many other elements of technical analysis. Moreover, based on knowledge of technical analysis, they unsuccessfully made forecasts of further changes to the schedule. Obviously, the general theory of dynamical chaos is spreading its influence on market processes. Some concepts of this theory, such as "attractor" and "fractal" is already reflected in the technical analysis. But before constructing a rigorous physical theory is still very far away. The level of current knowledge in this area is still only at the stage of formation of concepts and classification of elementary solutions. No less difficult is the case and proper technical analysis.

What is technical analysis today? John Murphy gives the following definition: "Technical analysis - a study of market dynamics, most often through charts to predict future price trends." Investigations by the graphs - it is just a set of tools, skills and rules for the market. Admittedly, the level of knowledge, and on the spirit of modern technical analysis is very similar to medieval alchemy. The same ambiguity and vagueness of the language and a large proportion of Philosophy, bordering on mysticism and superstition.

There are reasonable questions. Do this alchemy? What is the attractiveness of technical analysis for the professional trader? Every trader for myself to find answers to these questions. But undeniably, the tools, skills and rules of technical analysis filtered generations of investors. This material, the hard-won experience and honed skills of thousands of traders and professionals of the stock market. But the material of this - not a frozen dead form. The principal feature of it is in continuous evolution. Tools, skills and rules of technical analysis is constantly changing and transforming in a nonlinear medium changing market. All this brings TECHNICAL EXPERTISE in the field of mechanical research plots in the field of art.

Book Schwager is a wonderful symbiosis of art and scientific approach of the experimenter-trader. The main guiding thread is presenting a comprehensive discussion of the basic elements of technical analysis with practical refraction in real trading situation. The author picked up a large amount of graphic material from the various trading platforms, illustrating the practical use of technical analysis. The first part of the book is devoted to the classic elements of the analysis of graphs, their rationale and the inner essence. Special attention is paid to this part of the criteria for the applicability of different instruments, creative approach to their use. A separate chapter in the statement presented by Steve Nison technology market analysis with a "candlestick". The second part of the book is a practical guide for the application of the material the first part. The author examines over a hundred specific trading situations. Each of them is first analyzed in detail by means of technical analysis. The author explores the possible reasons for entering the market, involving the reader in decision-making process: buy / sell. Then on the next page is a discussion of further development of the real events and commented on the validity or wrong decisions. Intriguing form of presentation and the brilliant style Schwager teacher makes this part of the book in a fascinating workshop on trader skill.

The third part of the book is devoted to the oscillator and cycles, and written in collaboration with Thomas Birovshem and Richard Mohi. Indicators Oscillators fluctuations or long and strongly occupied a niche in the arsenal of technical analysis tools. They have proven their effectiveness in terms bestrendovogo market. A detailed account of the nature and characteristics of various oscillators in a remarkable way to add the description of traditional misconceptions of their use and practical guidelines for use in trading. Continues the theme of the theory of cyclical market analysis. Schwager practices paints dry theory "eight practical steps" to design their own cycles.

The fourth part deals with trading systems. Trading systems - it is not just a tool, but it is a complete mechanism. And that means more power and performance in skilled hands, and, consequently, greater risk and danger in the hands of a beginner. Seam-ger as an experienced professional reveals his secrets of building trading systems. We discuss their structure, development, testing and optimization. Examples of original trading systems.

The fifth and final part of the book deals with the strategy and philosophy of trade. Can not get past the 82-x (!) Trade rules, crystallized from the 22-year investment experience "guru". These rules - the actual quintessence of the whole book. This - the parade of ideas Schwager philosopher.

Informative material, clarity and readability deservedly put the book of Jack Schwager in a number of the best contemporary monographs technical analysis.